Saturday, August 22, 2009

Where Would the World Be Without Google?


Yes, I'm raising the topic of an internet search engine.

"What is Britney Spears up to these days? Still bald?" You go to Google. "How soon could I get to Wheretheheckistan?" Google it is. "How far away is France?" It's always Google.

You see, we've become dependent on Google--whether if it's for the weather forcast or Paris Hilton's latest fashion splurge, Google is always the first thought in our heads when we want information.

It's been extended to a wide variety--Google Videos, Google Images, Gmail--and therefore extending our need.

Is Google merely an innocent means of acquiring information or an evil race of alien's ploy to gain mind control and conquer the earth?

My money's on the aliens. I'm sorry, but the majority of mankind is stupid enough to make it easy for the martians to accomplish what I suggested.


In other news, I'm going to post a link to my best friend's blog here, so no one has to Google it. Wouldn't want anyone else to be corrupted. :]

Rowan's blog--

Luvv ya Row :]

Well, good night everyone.

Don't let the martians get you.



  1. Liek zomgz, another believer of alien domination! And to think Google is behind all of it! Yet again, you think of what I did not.
    Thanks for the ad, Aily(:

  2. Hahahaha, you're always welcome :)

    andholycrap I miss you! Where ARE you?
