Sunday, August 23, 2009

One of the Most Ridiculous, Insane, Irritating Aspects of Life: The Stereotype

Everyone's been labelled at some point in their life. Some don't mind, but others could compare it to attempting to swallow a mouthful of acid.

Stereotypes are based on a variety of aspects: How you dress, how you act, and other such combinations.

Out of the swallowing-a-mouthful-of-acid people (a.k.a. the ones who dislike being categorized), some don't deserve the label. But others have brought it down on themselves--I'm sorry, but if you dye you hair black, wear spiky things, and act depressed, you're going to be called a goth--by filling in the stereotype on their own.

The ones who don't deserve the label are what my best friend likes to call eclectic--simply a mix of a lot of things. Diverse.

I like to view it as having more personality than just one word.

Being different is not bad--it's brilliant. It means you're your own person. Or food, as the case may be.

And the individuals who don't mind the whole stereotyping thing? They come in two varieties as well.

The first actually enjoy being labelled--these are the ones that are usually something that, for them, is flattering, like a cheerleader, prep, or jock. They're usually popular, and reasonably happy with what they've got out of life.

The second I'm more amicable to--the ones who don't give what others say about them.

They simply don't care. Pretty much, it's just the "whatever" attitude.

Call me what you want, but I'm still me. And me doesn't care what you think.

This approach is most likely the best, but it takes work. It's not as easy as waking up one day and deciding you don't care what the world thinks. Either it's a natural gift, or you have to ease yourself away from caring, by thinking, "why does it even matter?"

I, personally, wish I could be in this group, but I'm still stuck with the eclectics. Not that that's entirely a bad things. But I hate being labelled--I'm still a long way from freedom.


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