Friday, August 28, 2009

A Quick Check-In

Lately . . . I don't know what's happened. I just feel like there's something hanging over me. I don't want to do anything, and I keep getting this on-and-off headache.

I'm just really tired . . . not sure why. But I'm still working on stories, despite that. They seem to be the only thing that I don't mind.

And I think the Story Files has actually improved my state in the world of writing. I actually ended up adding another main character, but that was hardly a bad sign. I've started the story, and already have several pages. Yes, I believe it's going to be more pages than seven.

My six characters, so far, are as listed:

1. Morgan Holliday
2. Summer Carroway
3. Saradah Shaffer
4. Kaitlyn Logan Moore
5. Michaela Oak Simmons
6. Tylia Waters

Ah, well, I'll see how it goes.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Story Files

As of late, I've been under a huge writer's block that, no matter how much I struggle, I seem to be stuck in.

So in yet another attempt to cure this flaw, I'm going to start something for myself that I'm calling the Story Files.

The objective of the Story Files is for me to create five entirely new characters, conjugated down in detailed sections such as Appearance, History, etc. Then I'll write a seven-page short story concerning the five.

I may be able to recruit my friends--or so I'm hoping, since I'm giving myself a time limit (a week and a half) and time limits are easier for me to deal with when I know that my friends are, too.

This had better work, or I want my money back.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

One of the Most Ridiculous, Insane, Irritating Aspects of Life: The Stereotype

Everyone's been labelled at some point in their life. Some don't mind, but others could compare it to attempting to swallow a mouthful of acid.

Stereotypes are based on a variety of aspects: How you dress, how you act, and other such combinations.

Out of the swallowing-a-mouthful-of-acid people (a.k.a. the ones who dislike being categorized), some don't deserve the label. But others have brought it down on themselves--I'm sorry, but if you dye you hair black, wear spiky things, and act depressed, you're going to be called a goth--by filling in the stereotype on their own.

The ones who don't deserve the label are what my best friend likes to call eclectic--simply a mix of a lot of things. Diverse.

I like to view it as having more personality than just one word.

Being different is not bad--it's brilliant. It means you're your own person. Or food, as the case may be.

And the individuals who don't mind the whole stereotyping thing? They come in two varieties as well.

The first actually enjoy being labelled--these are the ones that are usually something that, for them, is flattering, like a cheerleader, prep, or jock. They're usually popular, and reasonably happy with what they've got out of life.

The second I'm more amicable to--the ones who don't give what others say about them.

They simply don't care. Pretty much, it's just the "whatever" attitude.

Call me what you want, but I'm still me. And me doesn't care what you think.

This approach is most likely the best, but it takes work. It's not as easy as waking up one day and deciding you don't care what the world thinks. Either it's a natural gift, or you have to ease yourself away from caring, by thinking, "why does it even matter?"

I, personally, wish I could be in this group, but I'm still stuck with the eclectics. Not that that's entirely a bad things. But I hate being labelled--I'm still a long way from freedom.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Where Would the World Be Without Google?


Yes, I'm raising the topic of an internet search engine.

"What is Britney Spears up to these days? Still bald?" You go to Google. "How soon could I get to Wheretheheckistan?" Google it is. "How far away is France?" It's always Google.

You see, we've become dependent on Google--whether if it's for the weather forcast or Paris Hilton's latest fashion splurge, Google is always the first thought in our heads when we want information.

It's been extended to a wide variety--Google Videos, Google Images, Gmail--and therefore extending our need.

Is Google merely an innocent means of acquiring information or an evil race of alien's ploy to gain mind control and conquer the earth?

My money's on the aliens. I'm sorry, but the majority of mankind is stupid enough to make it easy for the martians to accomplish what I suggested.


In other news, I'm going to post a link to my best friend's blog here, so no one has to Google it. Wouldn't want anyone else to be corrupted. :]

Rowan's blog--

Luvv ya Row :]

Well, good night everyone.

Don't let the martians get you.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Inside My Head--A Bit About Me

Where do I begin?

I'm Aileen--often reffered to as Aily. I'm sure there as other names for me, but those around me have chosen to use them only behind my back.

Life in middle-sized city of Lancaster, PA, is just average city life, though I wouldn't attribute it to a place like NYC. I'll be attending the around-the-corner middle school, Reynolds, along with my brother.

If I randomely break out into random rants of randomness . . . well . . . that's just me. Like it or lump it.

Just past my denial, I think some aspects of my life have driven me insane--perhaps the constant story-writing, followed by conversations with my characters, or perhaps it's my short run-ins with numerology.

Numerology. The word now scares me. My best friend--Rowan--and I have been experiencing some out-of-the-ordinary things lately--i.e. since we really figured out that we were, so to speak, Soul Twins--and it's really freaking me out. Repetitive number patterns, waking up at a certain time every night for a few days in a row . . . it's insane.

Though maybe it's just us. I mean, neither of us would be called exactly . . . ordinary. Or, at least, that's the way I view it.
