Saturday, October 31, 2009

Haven't been here for a while...

So I'm feeling pretty happy right now. My bestie is back on the net, I have an enormous bag full of candy (childish, maybe, but who the hell doesn't like free candy?!) and I'm just feeling pretty darn good about myself. //Rowan, we MUST set up a time for IM! I've missed you.//

So I have tons of ideas for NaNo WriMo this year, and a crapload full of characters. Like, seriously, I don't even know what I'm going to do with them all.

In other news: we are currently watching MTV's hip-hop version of Carmen in music class. Yeah. That's right. Hip-hop. ugh.

So I don't know what to write any more. Maybe I'll just whip out my really long list of character names--characters that I'm pretty darn sure I'm using in NaNo.

1. (main) Aislynn Azura Skye
2. (the cool one with the green-and-black hair) Lyrandilyn (Lyra) Monroe
3. (the grumpy emo one) Jave Shail
4. (the pretty goth one) Aritoza Williams }The Opposite Twins
5. (The pretty preppy one) Medoza Williams }
6. (The older, wise one) Blaik Manning
7. (The sporty, younger one) Chloe Brooks

those are the ones I can think of for now. Seeya'll later.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

omg GIR!

So I was watching Invader Zim, and I do believe it's one of the best cartoons created. For anyone who's never watched the show, I highly recommend it. It's a funny show with hilarious characters.

Here are the main characters:

ZIM: The title character of the cartoon, Zim is a short Irken defective, but despite his size he feels that he is superior to and unchallenged by the other Irkens and universal creatures, due to his intelligence, ingenuity, skill in many applications, and destructively inclined nature. He can be a very irritable, impatient, and anger-driven character, but enjoys a good snack and loves to invent and create new things.
Some fans think that because of his occasional displays of naivety that Zim is a complete, incompetent moron, but this assumption is incorrect and merely derived from a somewhat superficial examination of the character. Jhonen Vasquez, the creator of the show, states in an IGN interview: "I always imagined Zim as just being utterly unaware of his shortcomings, to a dangerous extent even. He's not really stupid, but he's got some problems getting priorities straight. He's this alien from an incredibly advanced race (technologically anyhow), with access to a universe of power. And yet he stays in school all day, enduring it, hating it, fearing it and freaking out about it. The thought of sneaking out or setting a robot in his place never crosses his mind. He gets so caught up with the most unimportant details, he ends up getting nothing done; He gets a giant robot, and his plan is to go beat Dib up. It was cool to remind people that he really was in control of some impressive stuff, but that his sense of control was so horrible that it didn't matter if his plans were foolproof."
Zim is extremely loyal to the Irken Empire throughout the series but his instability renders this loyalty somewhat unreliable. Zim is held in contempt by most of the Irken race, primarily by The Tallests, Red and Purple, whose empty opinions matter to nearly all of the Irken race. Sometimes, especially during one small moment when he is insulted by Tak, it seems as though he knows his mission is a lie, and that his race hates him; but he either seems to be in denial of these facts or possibly he still try's to do it so he can prove himself to the tallest.
All Irkens, including Zim, do not have families or relatives. This fact is proven in the episode, "Parent Teacher Night", and shows Zim as having been created in an Irken birthing facilty, and removed from an incubation cylinder by nothing more than a "cold, unfeeling robot arm."
After ruining Operation Impending Doom 1, Irken Invader Zim was demoted from the actual "Invader Class" to "Food Services" and banished to Foodcourtia, a planet that exists as the galaxy's biggest food court. When the Almighty Tallest began assigning new Invaders, Zim sped to Conventia, the convention hall planet, to be assigned a planet to conquer as well as "a robot slave" of his own, which became GIR. In response to his urgent pleas for a second chance, the Almighty Tallest sent him to a far away, backwater planet shown as a sticky note on the edge of The Tallests' map. This was merely to rid themselves of him, and six months later, they're surprised to receive a transmission from the planet we know as Earth.
Having already exceeded the Tallests' expectations by even arriving on this planet, Zim continues by establishing a base of operations, arranging disguises for himself and his SIR unit, and even creating the Robo-Parents. To go a step further, he enrolls himself in the nearest "Skool", where he hopes to attain information concerning this planet's weaknesses and possible destruction. During his first day in class, he is recognized by and becomes instant enemies with Dib, a young Paranormal enthusiast who had overheard a satellite transmission of the Great Assigning from his rooftop one night, and knew SOMEONE was coming. From this day on, Zim attempts to take over this insane, diluted planet, though Dib stands alone to stop him at every turn.
Zim often wears various personally manufactured disguises in an attempt to conceal his identity from the humans that he plans to eventually conquer. Although some of his disguises appear to be lacking in judgement and quality, they rival even many of his peers' attempts at "fitting in"--- some examples of which are briefly demonstrated at the beginning of the episode, "Planet Jackers". Considering the fact that no Irken until Zim even knew that the planet Earth existed, his disguises are considerably convincing--- though little effort is required to decieve such clueless subjects as the humans.
Zim's usual disguise consists of some contact lenses and a black hairpiece. When interrogated by Dib in the first episode, "The Nightmare Begins", concerning the flaws in Zim's disguise, Zim quickly explains away his clearly visible green skin as merely being an unnamed epidermal condition, and in the episode "Vindicated!," when one of his contact lenses becomes dislodged, he claims that his red eye is due to pinkeye, "...a normal human illness." He's been known to wear other costumes as well, like an old man disguise, an elderly woman disguise, a bear suit (actual purpose unknown), a parent costume, and a Santa suit made from a Vortian liquid material (he assumed that if he imitated Santa, he would be able to rule the Earth).
Many logical and creative theories from these Zim-fans to this very question have been attempted and are existent, one concerning the well-known, "ONE YEAR LATER" caption in "Invasion of the Idiot Dog Brain" as well as many other similar occurrences. These are merely for humorous effect, and are not meant to be taken literally. A speculation regarding this matter is the fact that if Zim had been on Earth for that extra year, he would have been more familiar with and even used to Earth customs and holidays like Halloween trick-or-treating, to give just one example; but on "Halloween Spectacular of Spooky Doom", an episode aired a while after "Invasion of the Idiot Dog Brain", we see Zim just as perplexed as ever concerning these aspects of Earth culture. An official response to this vexing query comes from Jhonen Vasquez himself, stating that the characters have no definite ages; but that most of the kids in Dib/ZIM's class would be around 11, Gaz would be one year younger then her brother Dib, and Zim would be older than any human alive. Jhonen has stated he is 159 Earth years, and 16 in Irk years.

GIR:GIR is Zim's small, hyperactive (yet, happy-go-lucky) robot best friend, sidekick, and henchman.
GIR is also a supporting villain / hero in the series.
GIR is a dysfunctional version of the SIR (Standard-issue Information Retrieval unit) given to Irken invaders. In order to avoid wasting a functional SIR unit on
Zim, GIR's body was constructed from junk parts found in the Almighty Tallest's garbage can. GIR reguarly speaks in non sequitur. Zim blames him for most of the problems on the mission, regardless of whether or not it is his fault. His features change from teal to red when being obedient. He often disguises himself as a green dog. He regularly replaces his brains and other important devices with food, such as cupcakes or tuna. Gir's love of tacos gets him into plenty of trouble in many episodes. GIR has said many times, "Must obey the Taco Man".
GIR was once voted favourite character in 2009 by the Invader Zim Website. No one knows what the G in his name stands for, neither does GIR himself. However, it can be assumed that it stands for "Garbage". Hence his inept nature. In some episodes, a "Bloody GIR" (A picture with GIR covered in blood, hence the name) is seen in one of the frames. It has been said that this was what the show was cancelled for, however, this is simply not the case.
In Germs, it is revealed he has a pet pig.

DIB: Dib is the main antagonist of the series.
Dib is Zim's nemesis, one of his classmates at school.
Dib has been obsessed with the
paranormal and supernatural since an early age. Because of his obsession, Dib is often criticized by his classmates for being "crazy" or mentally unstable due to his outlandish theories. Dib is the only human to recognize or care that Zim is an alien, and has devoted himself to stopping Zim's plans of conquest.
Although Dib is the antagonist of the show, he is often portrayed as the series' main protagonist (as he usually defeats Zim and his diabolical schemes).
Although Dib's head is of average size, he is often mocked for having a "big head". In the Halloween special, Dib learns there is a "spooky" dimension in his head.

And there, you have the very, very long and complex basics.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Okay, Look

I'm tired.

My back hurts.

My legs and arms are killing me.

But damn did I have fun at the dance last night! Ohmygod, my friends Kayla and Hannah and Angelika and I were dancing like crazy people in front of the big colored lights . . . it was so much fun.

***Important message that may or may not concern you: ROWAN! they played peanut butter jelly time, and all I could think through the entire song was, "I wish Rowan was here" ilyilyily ***

Luvvya all,


Friday, September 11, 2009

A solemn post on september eleventh, 2009

Today, I was sitting in Spanish class, when I realized something.

It's the eleventh of September.

You're making the connection? I was. Nine-eleven.

On September eleventh, 2001, terrorist infiltrated a plane full of passengers, killed the pilots, and completed a suicide mission into the twin towers of NYC.

What some people don't always know, is that there was a second plane. A second plane, also taken over by terrorists, that was headed for the White House.

Now, the passengers on this plane did something about it. They got rid of the terrorists flying their plane--God knows how--and took over. None of them knew how to fly it, so it lead to a crash in a farm field here in Pennsylvania, leading, of course, to all of their deaths.

Out of the people in those two planes, there are no survivors. People who weren't even in the planes died.

[I've never done extreme, deep research on this particular subject, so please excuse any mistakes]

*A moment of silence for those who lost their lives or lost loved ones in the terrorist attack on september eleventh, 2001*

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Goddamn Song--get the hell out of my head

Well, guess who I saw yesterday.


Holy crap, I've missed her. And I got to stand there and talk to her (and/or hug her) for a whole flippin hour.

And ever sine I've had this song stuck in my head.

That is annoying the crap out of me.

Even if it holds good memories.

It's that song from the old Cheerios commercials that they used to run on TV. It goes something like: Happiness runs in a circular motion . . . . love is like a little boat driftin off to sea . . . . happiness run,s happiness runs . . .

I have to admit, all-in-all, I've enjoyed my first week or so at Reynolds middle school. (yes, there are teachers I hate and yes, there are kids I hate even more) But I've missed Rowan. I had had a pretty crappy day at school, so when I saw Row I got all happy.

////in other news, my story--the one I was attempting to write--entirely died. But with it's death came the rebirth of a story I'd thought I'd lost a muse for. It's called You Think I'm Brave, and it was one that I particularly liked.

I'll keep posting on that . . . and on that note, I say goodbye for now.

[Rowan, you bitch, get a flippin Lync-whatever card]


Friday, August 28, 2009

A Quick Check-In

Lately . . . I don't know what's happened. I just feel like there's something hanging over me. I don't want to do anything, and I keep getting this on-and-off headache.

I'm just really tired . . . not sure why. But I'm still working on stories, despite that. They seem to be the only thing that I don't mind.

And I think the Story Files has actually improved my state in the world of writing. I actually ended up adding another main character, but that was hardly a bad sign. I've started the story, and already have several pages. Yes, I believe it's going to be more pages than seven.

My six characters, so far, are as listed:

1. Morgan Holliday
2. Summer Carroway
3. Saradah Shaffer
4. Kaitlyn Logan Moore
5. Michaela Oak Simmons
6. Tylia Waters

Ah, well, I'll see how it goes.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Story Files

As of late, I've been under a huge writer's block that, no matter how much I struggle, I seem to be stuck in.

So in yet another attempt to cure this flaw, I'm going to start something for myself that I'm calling the Story Files.

The objective of the Story Files is for me to create five entirely new characters, conjugated down in detailed sections such as Appearance, History, etc. Then I'll write a seven-page short story concerning the five.

I may be able to recruit my friends--or so I'm hoping, since I'm giving myself a time limit (a week and a half) and time limits are easier for me to deal with when I know that my friends are, too.

This had better work, or I want my money back.
