Friday, September 11, 2009

A solemn post on september eleventh, 2009

Today, I was sitting in Spanish class, when I realized something.

It's the eleventh of September.

You're making the connection? I was. Nine-eleven.

On September eleventh, 2001, terrorist infiltrated a plane full of passengers, killed the pilots, and completed a suicide mission into the twin towers of NYC.

What some people don't always know, is that there was a second plane. A second plane, also taken over by terrorists, that was headed for the White House.

Now, the passengers on this plane did something about it. They got rid of the terrorists flying their plane--God knows how--and took over. None of them knew how to fly it, so it lead to a crash in a farm field here in Pennsylvania, leading, of course, to all of their deaths.

Out of the people in those two planes, there are no survivors. People who weren't even in the planes died.

[I've never done extreme, deep research on this particular subject, so please excuse any mistakes]

*A moment of silence for those who lost their lives or lost loved ones in the terrorist attack on september eleventh, 2001*

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