Saturday, October 31, 2009

Haven't been here for a while...

So I'm feeling pretty happy right now. My bestie is back on the net, I have an enormous bag full of candy (childish, maybe, but who the hell doesn't like free candy?!) and I'm just feeling pretty darn good about myself. //Rowan, we MUST set up a time for IM! I've missed you.//

So I have tons of ideas for NaNo WriMo this year, and a crapload full of characters. Like, seriously, I don't even know what I'm going to do with them all.

In other news: we are currently watching MTV's hip-hop version of Carmen in music class. Yeah. That's right. Hip-hop. ugh.

So I don't know what to write any more. Maybe I'll just whip out my really long list of character names--characters that I'm pretty darn sure I'm using in NaNo.

1. (main) Aislynn Azura Skye
2. (the cool one with the green-and-black hair) Lyrandilyn (Lyra) Monroe
3. (the grumpy emo one) Jave Shail
4. (the pretty goth one) Aritoza Williams }The Opposite Twins
5. (The pretty preppy one) Medoza Williams }
6. (The older, wise one) Blaik Manning
7. (The sporty, younger one) Chloe Brooks

those are the ones I can think of for now. Seeya'll later.


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